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Loureiro, S.M.; Rovere, E.L.L., Mahler, C.F. Analysis of Potential for Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Municipal Solid Waste in Brazil, in the state and city of Rio de Janeiro. Waste Management .

PEREIRA JR., A.O., COSTA, R.C., COSTA, C.V., MARRECO, J.M., ROVERE, E.L.L.. 2013. Perspectives for the expansion of new renewable energy sources in Brazil. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 23: 49-59

ROVERE, E.L.L. , BARATA, M.M.L. & PEREIRA JR, A.O. 2013. The challenges of estimating compliance costs in developing countries. p. 208-220. In: LIVERMORE, M.A. &REVESZ, R.L. (org.). The globalization of cost-benefit analysis in environmental policy.

RENNKAMP, Britta & WESTIN, Fernanda Fortes. Feito no Brasil? Made in South Africa? Boosting technological development through local content requirements in the wind energy industry. Energy Research Centre – ERC/ University of Cape Town - UCT, South Africa.

ROVERE, E.L.L., DUBEUX, C.B.S., PEREIRA JR., A.O. & WILLS, W. 2013. Brazil beyond 2020: from deforestation to the energy challenge. Climate Policy 13: 70-86
